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  • Writer's pictureBianca Crowe

7 Simple Social Media Tips You Can Implement Today!

Here are seven simple social media tips you can implement today on your social media to optimize your profiles and create better content to serve your ideal audience.

Optimizing your social media presence

1) Keep your brand name consistent

You want your audience to find you as easy as possible!

2) Add relevant keywords to your bio. Also, if your clients/customers know you by your name, be sure to include your name!

3) Create a LinkTree!

Although this need varies, if you post multiple links to your stories, or are always telling people to click the link in your bio, creating a linktree to house all your most popular links - website, contact form, amazon storefront, blog post, news article - I really love using and creating these with my clients and they take about 30 minutes to do. Super easy and customizable to your brand!

4) Keep brand design consistent

This includes story covers, profile pictures, cover photos, and posts themselves. Making your social media reflect your brand as a whole is key in building brand recognition & awareness.

5) For content creation, follow your energy and what inspires you

If you struggle with posting reels all the time, for example, it’s okay. I feel like in this space accounts feel like they have to “keep up” with everyone else, and that can lead to uninspired burnout. Carousel (swiping posts) come in just behind Reels/Tiktoks at #2 of the most shared and saved posts. It’s okay not to post video content — and it’s also great if you love posting videos! Follow your energy and what inspires you, it will lead to better content creation overall.

6) Prioritize content that truly serves your audience

Posting what serves your audience best should always have priority over keeping up with the joneses. Don’t get me wrong, trends are super fun and you should totally hop on board if it’s the right fit, but it isn’t necessary. We see those viral views as a shiny object but they don’t always get real results. Look at the insights on each type of post to determine what your audience relates with best. What do they save or engage with? What posts lead to a message, a site click, or a sale (this is a big one!!) focus on creating content that generates results for you, and that’s different for everyone!

7) Add closed captioning

For those who watch videos with sound off, they’ll stick around longer around if there are captions (this goes for stories as well!) Trending audio paired with high quality content will show up in people’s feeds and keep them there longer. It's simple to add closed captioning either in-app, or download a free video editing app like CapCut, which allows you to edit videos and add custom captions. Most editing softwares have features for this now, as well.

If you got to the end of this blog feeling a bit like Steve Harvey here, don't fret!

I'm your gal if you need help with content creation, strategy, optimization, and more when it comes to social media. Fill out my contact form and let's chat!


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